
Shailendra Singh


Shailendra Singh

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Keyword Research Tips To Help You

Keyword research is probably one of the most important steps you will take when you start your on site optimization for your website. Keyword research when done right can have your website operating like a well oiled inbound marketing machine. When done incorrectly it could cause you to miss out on very valuable web traffic leading to a loss in sales and revenues. In this post, I will recommend several helpful tips that could help you research relevant keywords to optimize every page of your website, after you have written your content.

Here are some keyword research tips to help you isolate only the cream of the crop keywords:

1. Thesaurus – A major point in keyword research is the ability to find a variety of keywords that your audience might use in order to find the same exact thing. A thesaurus can help you eliminate the guessing game from sitting there and trying to come up with variations of a certain keyword in your head. Don’t guess just use an online thesaurus and cut through the frustration.

2. Competitors – Take a look at your competition and see what they are doing and what keywords they might be targeting to give you a starting point if you feel stuck in any way. I never recommend anyone copying someone else’s approach but you can look at keywords to get a better understanding of what your audience and competition is using on the internet to attract attention.

3. Keyword Research Tools – Always use a keyword research tool, such as Keyword Discovery. Don’t ever assume you already know all your industry keywords because you have been working in a specific industry for some time. Chances are there are many long tail keywords in your industry that are being used on a daily basis that you are unaware of. Some of these long tailed keywords could be great for conversions because typically the end user knows exactly what they are looking for.

4. Be Strategic with your Keyword Research – When you start putting your lists together be realistic. Take a look at who is sitting around in the search results for the keywords you are picking and truly analyze whether you compete against them or not.

Remember that keyword research is going to be the foundation for almost everything you do online as business in the future. Pick the wrong keywords and you will get the wrong web traffic which could cause you to operate at only half capacity.
source: http://www.searchengineoptimizationjournal.com/2010/07/21/keyword-tips/