
Shailendra Singh


Shailendra Singh

M: 91 (0) 9911816671

Email: vipisingh1@gmail.com


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I’m sure you have heard it everywhere you go on how important content is in this industry and how it is the driving force to any successful search engine marketing campaign, but why?

It is important to understand exactly how the search engines work. I know many people like to keep their websites clean and clutter less but the search engines are not artificial intelligence. They are readers; they read massive amounts of information in a split second and find the most relevant information they can in order to supply the search user with what they need. With that said the better the content the easier the search engine spiders can find your business. If you don’t have enough content they don’t have enough to read and your rankings will slip a bit. Text is the search spider’s food. You have to feed them with good quality content and over time you will be rewarded with better and faster indexing.

That doesn’t mean you have to fill each page of your website with thousands of words either. Make an educated business decision with how much content you need to provide for your users to do what they need to do. If you have product pages that need content a hundred to a hundred fifty words will work. You don’t need to drop a thousand words so the search engines can find you. Think about your user experience as well. If you own a website that sells t-shirts do you want to have a thousand words on your product page? Probably not because nobody wants to sit there and feel like they have to read all that but if you are a business to business entity and you offer technical database solutions to your audience than a lengthy description of your services or products might be in order. Think about your audience and step into their shoes.

Take a step back and figure out exactly what your audience is like and what they want to see on your website before you think about what the search engines want to see. Your audience is more important, they are the ones that are going to purchase from you not the search engines. The search engines are just there to display the information in the best possible fashion.
source: http://www.searchengineoptimizationjournal.com/2010/02/17/content-is-important/