
Shailendra Singh


Shailendra Singh

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Email: vipisingh1@gmail.com


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What is Google’s Realtime Search?

As if social media needed any more reasons to be included in your SEO efforts, Google offers a Realtime search results page that pulls information from Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook, MySpace, TwitArmy, Jaiku and more. This results page is constantly updating as new content is being created by online users. The more “hot” a topic is, the more activity there will be. Much like the ticker tape at the bottom of a news broadcast, Realtime is constantly updating itself with new, relevant results for your search.

You can choose to include the updates by clicking the Realtime link, usually found in the “More” menu on the left-hand side of the results page. Just like any other search, Realtime results are based off of keywords, not URLs. So if you are looking to promote your blog, press release or website, be sure to include relevant keywords in your tweets/updates/posts. Realtime will also include when your content gets reposted by another user, helping keep your company name in the search results.

Realtime lets you create an email alert for your search keywords (like your company name) so you can stay up-to-date with how your company is being talked about online. This is a great tool for helping manage your business’s online reputation because you can address any consumer issues or negative press as soon as they arise.

Realtime also provides you with a Top Links section in the right hand column that pulls up the most cited links for your search keywords. The Timeline feature shows you how much activity has been growing around your search, spiking and declining as the amount of content has risen and fallen. You can scroll back in the timeline to find and read older commentary. You can even filter your Realtime results based on date, location and if you want to search by images.

Google’s Realtime Search goes to show that SEO truly is an ongoing process and its efforts need to be continuously evaluated and altered as need be. You cannot always control what is being said about your company or website, but this tool helps you see what kind of comments are being made by your online audience. It is definitely a good way to get a lot of online chatter in one place so you can keep an eye on things.

source: http://www.brickmarketing.com/blog/google-realtime-search.htm